
Get to know the Management Department more closely

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The management major is one of the popular study programs (Prodi) at Nusa Putra University (NPU) Sukabumi, even though it has only been open for two years, the number of students has increased significantly.

So, for those of you who are curious about why so many students are interested in studying management at NPU Sukabumi? Take a look at the advantages of NPU Sukabumi’s management study program from the Head of the study program, Yusuf Iskandar below.

According to Yusuf, from the curriculum aspect, the NPU Sukabumi management study program has a curriculum prepared based on juridical, philosophical and theoretical foundations. The juridical basis refers to existing laws, government regulations and ministerial regulations.

Everything, he said, is adjusted to national higher education standards and Indonesia’s national qualifications framework. As for the philosophical basis, he continued, it refers to the values of the Nusa Putra Trilogy.

“The Nusa Putra Trilogy teaches students and the entire academic community to always prioritize divine love, love for parents and love for fellow humans,” said Yusuf, Friday (15/11/2019).

Meanwhile, the theoretical basis is based on the principles of relevance, continuity, flexibility, effectiveness and pragmatics. Because basically, according to Yusuf, curriculum preparation, including the higher education curriculum, cannot be separated from references to various national policies and standards.

“It is also adapted to the characteristics of higher education which is obliged to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, including education, research and community service,” he explained.

Apart from that, continued Yusuf, the NPU Sukabumi management study program has a vision of providing professional education, research and community service in the field of management that is superior and trustworthy, because of its quality and leading innovation. With this vision, graduates will be produced who have leadership abilities and an entrepreneurial spirit who are competent and responsive.

“Graduates are also prepared to be able to anticipate developments and dynamics of change at the local, national, regional and global levels,” said the Master of Management graduate from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB).

However, with this vision, said Yusuf, he still prioritizes the values of integrity and devotion to God Almighty. This is to produce graduates who are not only competent in their knowledge and skills, but also moral, ethical and environmentally conscious.

While studying management at NPU Sukabumi, according to Yusuf, each student will gain specific knowledge and skills regarding management and business science integrated with information technology.

Students are also prepared to become entrepreneurs who are able to utilize their knowledge and skills. “Especially skills in marketing and international business,” said Yusuf.

Furthermore, Yusuf said, students will also carry out research related to business, management, marketing, finance and business organizations. Then carry out community service in the fields of business and management, produce national and international publications and participate in scientific forums, both at national and international levels.

“At the international level we regularly hold, or simply become invited participants to present research results every year,” explained Yusuf.

National and international forums held or participated in by NPU Sukabumi have the aim of increasing cooperation networks at the national and international levels, especially in the context of building educational innovation, research or community service.

“We also want management students to always play an active role in building a strong culture and character of the Indonesian nation’s children through creating attitudes, integrity, professionalism, and upholding social values and ethics,” he explained.

With the vision that has been set by NPU Sukanbumi, added Yusuf, every management graduate is expected to have five main competencies, namely having integrity as a qualified and professional scientist, being devout, having a strong personality and character, having an entrepreneurial spirit, being democratic, critical and innovative.

Then, master the substance of management science and studies in depth and be able to communicate it in accordance with applicable rules. Then, have the ability to develop science and technology in the field of management to contribute to the development of knowledge and application of management in improving the welfare of society.

Fourth, have the ability to be a management expert who provides benefits in the world of work. And fifth, have the ability to critically analyze various management issues and be skilled at communicating or publishing them scientifically.

“All of these competencies must be achieved with hard work and seriousness in learning,” he said.
