
Management Award and 1st Anniversary 2019 Nusa Putra University Gives 17 Awards

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As the peak of its first anniversary celebration, the Management Student Association (MSA) of Nusa Putra University (NPU) Sukabumi held a Management Award and 1st Anniversary gala dinner, Sunday evening (8/12/2019) at one of the three star hotels in Sukabumi City.

In this event, awards were handed over to the winners of matches and competitions in academic, sports, religious and entertainment fields between management students which had been held previously by MSA.

Chairman of the organizing committee, Abdul Kholid, in his speech said that the series of 1st Anniversary MSA events were carried out because of support from all parties. Therefore, on behalf of the committee he expressed his thanks to everyone. “And we apologize if there are any shortcomings in tonight’s event,” said Kholid.

The Chairman of MSA, Agus Parhan expressed his appreciation in his remarks, according to him the committee had successfully managed this year’s 1st Anniversary event. Management students’ creativity, said Agus, will be enhanced with several advanced work programs next year.

“Including field studies as a form of community service and national seminars to improve student academics,” said Agus.

Several award winners took photos with the Head of the Management Study Program (fifth from the right) and the Management Study Program Supervisor (sixth from the left).

The Management Study Program supervisor, Harini Fajar Ningrum, expressed similar sentiments, who appreciated the entire committee for their enthusiasm and contribution. According to Harini, management week is a forum for management students to develop their talents, potential and creativity.

Harini hopes that this event will open the smooth running of the next management study program agenda, namely Research and Publication Exercises in Economic Management (REPEEM), National Seminar on Management and Business (SEN MABIS) and International Conference in the field of accounting and management.

“God willing, everything will be held in 2020,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the speech from the Head of the Management Study Program, Yusuf Iskandar, highlighted the implementation of the Nusa Putra Trilogy and the organizational values of management students, namely Global Outlook, Simply Attitude, Ethics, Cooperation, and Togetherness (GSECT).

Yusuf explained that organizational values and the Nusa Putra Trilogy concept need to be brought into higher education tri dharma activities so that campus life can be alive, both while still a student and after becoming an alumni.

“Just being present in class during lecture hours is not enough as a student,” said Yusuf.

According to Yusuf, students now have to be more proactive, able to build a wide network, then actively look for opportunities to increase their capacity, then actively take part in competitions and participate in social movements. “I want management students to be able to know themselves and be themselves,” said Yusuf.

Chancellor of NPU Sukabumi, Dr. Kurniawan, S.T., M.Sc., MM at the beginning of his speech immediately congratulated MSA on its 1st birthday. According to Kurniawan, this event is extraordinary, he hopes it can be held every year. “And hopefully this will be a stimulant for other associations at NPU Sukabumi,” said Kurniawan.

Kurniawan also hopes that activities like this can help shape the character of students who can collaborate with various parties. And in the future, he continued, students can continue to create even better activities.

“By saying bismillahirohmanirrohim, this event, I hereby declare it open,” said Kurniwan then hit the gong three times to signal that the event had opened.

The 2019 MMA event continued with giving awards to 17 winners of competitions and matches, in turn the winners were asked to go up to the stage to receive awards. The event was also filled with live music performances, performing songs by students and lecturers from management study programs and other study programs. And ended with a joint prayer as the closing of the event.
