
MSA Celebrates Its Anniversary With Gratitude and Sharing

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Being grateful by sharing is the way for the Management Student Association (MSA) of Nusa Putra University (NPU) Sukabumi. Celebrating its first anniversary (MSA 1st Anniversary) this year, a thanksgiving event was held by MSA with 20 orphans on Saturday (23/11/2019), at the NPU Sukabumi Campus.

Present at this event were Deputy Chancellor III for Student Affairs Muhammad Muslih S.T., M.Kom, Chairman of the Management Study Program Yusuf Iskandar, Management Advisor Harini Fajar Ningrum, Student Representative Council (DPM) Muhammad Daffa Zein, Chairman of the Student Executive Board, Billy R Pagara and all the Chairmen Department Student Association (HMJ).

The event was filled with giving donations to orphans, then praying together with all the invitees and participants. Furthermore, the event with the theme “One synergy, create story, memory and history” ended with the Vice Chancellor III cutting the tumpeng and handing it over to the MSA chairman, Agus Parhan.

Photo with MSA administrators, invitees and orphans after the first MSA Anniversary celebration, Saturday (23/11/2019) at the NPU Sukabumi Campus.

“What is certain is that the aim of this event is to strengthen the bonds of student brotherhood, especially management students and foster an attitude of empathy by sharing with others, even with relatively small amounts,” said the chief executive, Abdul Kholid, after the event.

“We really want to share happiness with the orphans, even though the event is not luxurious. Hopefully today our younger siblings, the orphans, can be happy,” he added.

Kholid and his colleagues hope that future MSA anniversary celebrations can be better and have more impact on the environment.

“We hope that this goal can be achieved, S1 Management (S1M) we find family here and management keep stepping is better,” he said.
